Tuesday 17 December 2013

TV Advert - Final Idea + Shot List

Peperami wasn't up to scratch, and our group went with George's idea for rebranding BRUT.
George's idea revolves around a family gearing up for their son's prom night. The dad looks all proud, and the mum is fussing over the minute details of her son's appearance. All seems to be going well, until the son realises that he smells awful. He can't go to prom like that! The dad then saves the day with some BRUT, and the son blows away his date with how amazing he looks etc. etc. and the day is saved.

We think this idea is (aside from fab) very solid and rather achievable indeed. We went ahead and made a preliminary shot list as the beginning of our preproduction, which I will now place below:

1. Shot looking up stairs, as an establisher. Conversation can be heard, muffled.

2. Cut to the son's room, general kerfuffle is clearer now. Mother is adjusting the son's tie/collar, the father is standing to the side looking proud.

3. Close-up, side on, two shot of mother and son. Mother stands back, finally done. Son begins to raise his arm as if to sniff his armpit.

4. Over-the-shoulder shot of son as he continues raising his arm, and taking a sniff. He recoils in obvious disgust.

5.Shot of dad. He says 'I've got something that can help'. He walks off.

6. Shot of empty dad's room, dad walks over to drawers.

7. Close up of drawer as it opens, BRUT is centered, surrounded by 'manly' things (i.e. swiss army knife, old school cinema ticket, scout woggle, old comb, razor.

8. Low angle of dad as he lifts the BRUT out of the drawer, and looks at it lovingly.

9. Cut back to son and mother, son is like 'Aw mum it's going to be really old and boring.' They both turn to look at dad coming in.

10. Eyeline match, dad enters room holding BRUT like a child. 'Here son, try this.'

11. Over-the-shoulder shot of son looking in awe of the BRUT. He tentatively takes it from his father's outstretched arms.

12. Low right angle shot of son spraying the Brut onto his neck/chest area. - Slow motion - Black and white, 50's image.

13. Close up of boys face smiling. He says thanks to his dad and begins walking out the door.

14. Back to looking up the stairs, tracking backwards so as to eventually fit the girl's shoulder in shot, son and parents walk out onto landing and son begins walking down the stairs. Slow-mo.

15. Cut to girl, contra-zoom. She looks amazed.

16. Side on shot of son walking down the stairs, crabbing alongside. Slow-mo shot, hair blowing.

17. Parents looking proud at the top of the stairs.

18. Shot of girl at bottom of stairs beaming with admiration at the son, who sweeps her off her feet and they approach the door.

19. Shot of parents, now crying with pride and happiness.

20. Shot of son and girl walking down lane towards car, splash fades in over the top, voiceover is heard. After a delay, the girl grabs the son's bum.

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