Editing quiz questions
What do the numbers 16:9 refer to?
16 is width and 9 is height
2. What is the frame size of a 1080p video file?
1920 pixels across, and 1080 pixels up
3. If you have a video file which is 720:50p what
is the frame rate and what does the p stand for?
50 fps(frames per second), P- Progressive
4. What is the difference between 'p' and 'i'?
'P' - progressive - each frame is shown fully, one after the other; 'i' - 'interlaced' is where half of one frame is shown, and then half of the other is shown in a staggered sequence.
What frame rate is real film shot at?
23.976 frames per second
What might be the advantage of shooting at a
higher frame rate?
The quality difference would be massive, No blurs when slowed down!
What defines a lossy file?
A file which uses compression methods such as discarding repeated information in order to
decrease its total file size
A file which uses compression methods such as discarding repeated information in order to
decrease its total file size
Name three file types commonly used in video
1) MOV 2) WMV 3) MPEG
9. What is the difference between a video file type
and a codec?
A videol file formats are containers that store video information. The codec (COmpressor DECompressor) actually encodes the individual video frame/fields. For example, AVI is an example of a format, H.264 is an example of a codec.
A videol file formats are containers that store video information. The codec (COmpressor DECompressor) actually encodes the individual video frame/fields. For example, AVI is an example of a format, H.264 is an example of a codec.
10. What is bitrate?
Amount of information that is processed over time(per second, any period of time), the higher the bit the more information is going through the file!